Maybe you've heard people are giving cbd to their pets, here's why.
The science of cannabis and hemp for it's medicinal & therapeutic properties has shown the potential it can have for not only our health but our pets health too. More specifically, CBD (Cannabidiol), has been a large focus of the studies.
Many people now are turning to hemp-derived CBD formulas to find relief for their pets because it is a natural alternative to traditional treatments, with zero THC. Although the research is still early there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence of pets receiving benefits and pet parents are ecstatic.
What are people using CBD for?
Behavior issues
Phobia's (thunderstorms/fireworks)
Skin conditions
Ageing & Wellness
Overall health
With the growing number of owners trying to take a more natural approach to their pets health, it is no surprise CBD is a fast growing option being sought after.
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